Center for Applied Molecular Medicine

July 26, 2017

Posted: April 11, 2017, 10:44am

I had the amazing opportunity to present some of my thesis work at the Center for Applied Molecular Medicine at USC this past Friday. I’ve worked with some of the faculty and students in the CAMM lab on and off over the past five years and I was honored to present at the group meeting on Friday. The health sciences campus (a few miles north east of main campus) has recently undergone some construction and new additions, not least of which are some nice entrance signs. I didn’t miss the photo opportunity:

The talk generated a lot of discussion centered around chemotherapy drug scheduling and optimization. My work focuses on comparing chemotherapy scheduling paradigms used in clinical practice today and quantifying their effectiveness for differing tumor growth rates. Here’s a picture in action!


Published on July 26th, 2017Last updated on August 10th, 2017