Course Video Samples


USC Viterbi's Online option for Fall 2020 will utilize the same top-ranked technology used by our U.S. online, DEN@Viterbi students. All classes are broadcast live and interactive from studio classrooms with on-campus students in them. However, classes are recorded and can be watched on a time-shifted basis to take time zones into account.

Homework for on-campus and online students is due at the same time. Also, online students take the same exams as their on-campus counterparts and will be taken as close to at the same time as is practical within time zone limitations.

Below are samples from some of our courses to give you a feel for the quality you can expect from your online courses.

IMPORTANT: It has been brought to our attention there is an audio issue with these samples. We think this has something to do with the WMV format not uploading correctly to YouTube. Please be aware that this is not a problem with the actual courses because the online lectures themselves are hosted differently -- we use Zoom or WebEx for live participation, and an embedded player on the course page for streaming video, students also have the option of downloading the course videos and playing them locally on a computer with a media player. In all three formats we haven't had issues with stuttering audio like in these samples. We are in the process of redoing the samples so that they more accurately reflect what the actual lectures are like.

CSCI 561 - Foundations of Artificial Intelligence
Professor Wei-Min Shen

CSCI 585 - Database Systems
Professor Saty Raghavachary

EE 526 - Renewable Energy In Power Systems
Professor Mohammed Beshir

INF 529 - Security & Privacy In Informatics
Professor Clifford Neuman

ISE 562 - Decision Analysis
Professor Detlof Von Winterfeldt

Published on May 14th, 2020Last updated on August 19th, 2020