Marty Bradley
Adjunct Professor of Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering Practice
EDUCATION1994 Ph.D. Aerospace Engineering University of Southern California
Dissertation: Hypersonic Nozzle Design with Chemical and Vibrational Nonequilibrium
1991 E.A.E. Aerospace Engineering University of Southern California
Dual Emphasis: Spacecraft and Fluid Mechanics
1986 M.S. Aerospace Engineering University of Southern California
Emphasis: High Speed Fluids
1984 B.S. Aerospace Engineering University of Southern California
Summa Cum Laude
Courses or training in Program Management, Project Scheduling, System Architecting, Systems Engineering, Subcontract Management, Political Process, Turbulence Modeling, Radar Signature, and Hypersonic Propulsion.
A proven team leader for projects related to electric and hybrid electric aircraft, sustainable aviation, advanced concepts and technologies, green aircraft design, alternative fuels, environmental life cycle assessment (LCA), and propulsion. Has led vehicle design and technology planning studies for commercial and military operational and demonstrator vehicles. Has worked propulsion integration for turbines, ramjets, scramjets, ducted rockets, rockets, pulsejets, combined cycle engines, electric, and hybrid electric propulsion. Experienced in leading multi-disciplinary and multi-site design teams.
2020-Present Senior Technical Fellow Electra.aero
• Currently supporting design studies and collaboration activities, including engagement with suppliers, government agencies, and customers.
2018-Present Lecturer University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA
• Currently teaching the undergraduate capstone design course in Aircraft Design (AME-481).
• Currently teaching the AIAA short course on “Design of Electrified Propulsion Aircraft”
• Currently Technical Program Chair for AIAA 2020 Propulsion and Energy Forum
• Currently serving on Advisory Board for AIAA Education Book Series
2014-2020 Technical Fellow Boeing Commercial Airplanes, Long Beach, CA
• Technical lead for Sustainable Aviation Concepts for Boeing Commercial Airplanes. Includes system analysis for advanced propulsion, advanced technologies, and electric/hybrid electric aircraft. Responsible for technology incubation and planning and responsibility for environmental analysis of new concepts.
• Supported sustainable aviation fuels, hydrogen concepts, and proposals for hybrid electric aircraft concepts and demonstrators
• Led alternative fuels and environmental analysis of supersonic and hypersonic aircraft concepts
• Led steering and capture teams and an advisor for Boeing NASA contracts related to hybrid electric and transonic truss braced wing technologies
• Founder and Leader for the AIAA Aircraft Electrified Propulsion and Power Working Group
• Founder and Chairman of the AIAA/IEEE Electric Aircraft Technology Symposium (EATS)
• Chairman of AIAA Green Engineering Program Committee
• Served on the National Academies Low Carbon Aviation Committee
1988-2014 Technical Fellow Boeing Research & Technology, Huntington Beach, CA
• Technical Lead for the development of a Design for Environment toolset to calculate the life cycle environmental impact of Boeing products
• Environment Domain technical representative to the Boeing enterprise wide technology strategy process
• Associate Editor for Environment for the Boeing Technical Journal
• Led NASA funded Subsonic Ultra Green Aircraft Research (SUGAR) phase I and phase II studies to identify and assess concepts and technologies for commercial aircraft in the 2030-2050 timeframe
• Co-leader for the Commercial Aviation Alternative Fuels Initiative (CAAFI) R&D Team.
• Lead for Alternative Fuels Development for the Boeing Research and Technology Platform Performance Technology organization. Responsible for life cycle and aircraft performance analysis with alternative fuels and advanced technologies.
• Developed the initial flight test plans for 3 tests with biofuel powered 747 and 737 aircraft for the Boeing Commercial Aircraft organization.
• Developed flight test planning documents for the first biofuel flight demonstration in a commercial aircraft (Virgin Atlantic 747).
• Program/project manager for several programs related to the following areas: Quiet Supersonic Platform (QSP) supersonic aircraft, and biological sensor development.
• Program manager for a Boeing funded program that included the design, aerodynamic and thermal analysis, ground testing, and flight testing of a high speed (Mach 3-4.5) ramjet powered missile.
1984-1988 Senior Engineer Northrop Aircraft Division, Hawthorne, CA
• Conducted analysis and experimental nozzle and thrust reverser studies for high performance low observable fighter aircraft including the F-23 Advanced Tactical Fighter (ATF).
- Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering
- Marty Bradley has not listed an office location.
- mkbradle@usc.edu