Ananya Renuka Balakrishna
Adjunct Research Assistant Professor of Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering
- Doctoral Degree, Solid Mechanics and Materials Engineering, Oxford University
- Bachelor's Degree, Mechanical Engineering, National Institute of Technology
Ananya Renuka Balakrishna joined the Department of Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering at USC as an Assistant Professor in Fall 2020. Prior to joining USC, she pursued postdoctoral research as a Lindemann Fellow at MIT (Department of Materials Science), and at the University of Minnesota (Aerospace Engineering and Mechanics). Ananya received her PhD in Solid Mechanics and Materials Engineering from the University of Oxford. Broadly, her research focuses on developing mathematical models to investigate the links between material instabilities, microstructures and properties in energy-storage and functional materials.
Starting November 2022, she moved to the University of California, Santa Barbara as an Assistant Professor of Materials.
Research Summary
Professor Renuka Balakrishna's research group has relocated to UCSB Materials. Please check ananyabalakrishna.com for the latest research summary.Awards
- 2020 Provost's Assistant Professor Fellowsip
- 2019 WiSE Gabilan Assistant Professorship
- 2016 Lindemann Postdoctoral Fellowship
- 2015 British Federation of Women Graduates Award
- 2014 Falling Walls London Lab Winner
- 2012 Felix Graduate Scholarship
- 2012 Cambridge International and Commonwealth Trust (Honorary scholar)
- 2011 DAAD WISE Research Fellowship
- Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering
- Ananya Renuka Balakrishna has not listed an office location.
- renukaba@usc.edu