Ronald Claude Henry
Professor Emeritus of Civil and Environmental Engineering
B.S., 1966, Science Curriculum, Stevens Institute of TechnologyM.S., 1968, Mathematics, USC
Ph.D., 1977, Applied Physics, Oregon Graduate Center
Research Summary
* Perception and measurement of visibility degradation* Identifying sources of air pollution by receptor oriented modeling
* Multivariate statistical analysis of environmental data
- 2004 Other Awards
- 2003 Russian Academy of Natural Sciences Kapitsa Gold Metal forScientific Discovery
- 2003 Foreign Academy Affilication
- 2003 Research Award
- 1992 Phi Kappa Phi Research Mentorship Award
- 1991 Phi Kappa Phi Research Mentorship Award
- 1991 Teaching Award
- 1981 Research Award
- 1973 Research Award
- 1966 Other Awards
- 1966 Other Awards
- 1962 Other Awards
- Sonny Astani Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
- KAP 224E
- Kaprielian Hall
- 3620 South Vermont Ave., Los Angeles, CA 90089
- USC Mail Code: 2531
- (213) 740-0596
- rhenry@usc.edu