Najmedin Meshkati
Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Industrial Systems Engineering, and International Relations
- 1976, Bachelor's Degree, Industrial Engineering, Sharif University Of Technology
- 1976, Bachelor's Degree, International Relations and Political Economy, National University of Iran
- Doctoral Degree, Industrial Engineering, University of Southern California
- Master's Degree, Engineering Management, University of Southern California
B.S., 1976, Sharif (Arya-Meher) University of TechnologyB.A., 1976, National University of Iran M.S. 1978 University of Southern California
Ph.D., 1983 University of Southern California
Professor Meshkati is a recipient of the Presidential Young Investigator Award from the National Science Foundation. He is also Principal Investigator of a research grant from the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. He is a Certified Professional Ergonomist (CPE) and a Fellow of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society.
Research Summary
* Safety, reliability, and efficiency of complex, large-scale technological systems, e.g., nuclear power and chemical processing plants, aviation systems* Risk reduction of Civil Infrastructure Systems, e.g., highways, railroads, mass transit, ports and waterways, airports, fresh water and sewer, electric power generation, gas and liquid fuels, and telecommunication systems;
* Environmentally sustainable manufacturing and development
- 2016 Human Factors and Ergonomics Society (HFES) Arnold M. Small President’s Distinguished Service Award
- 2012 National Academy of Sciences/National Research Council Member of the committee “Lessons Learned from the Fukushima Nuclear Accident for Improving Safety and Security of U.S. Nuclear Plants” Commiitee
- 2012 Civilian Research and Development Foundation Member of the CRDF Global Advisory Council
- 2010 Sonny Astani Department of Civil/Environmental Engineering Service Award
- 2010 the National Academy of Engineering/National Research Council Memboer, Committee on the Analysis of Causes of the Deepwater Horizon Explosion, Fire, and Oil Spill to Identify Measures to Prevent Similar Accidents in the Future
- 2009 National Academies/US Department of State Jefferson Science Fellow
- 2009 Daniel J. Epstein Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering, University of Southern California Outstanding Teacher of the Year Award
- 2008 NTSB NTSB Challenger Coin
- 2008 Center for Excellence in Teaching, University of Southern California (2008-2011). Faculty Fellow
- 2008 The Latter-day Saint Student Association at USC Outstanding Teaching Award
- 2007 Mortar Board, University of Southern California Chapter Mortar Board’s Honored Faculty
- 2007 Daniel J. Epstein Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering, USC Outstanding Teacher of the Year Award
- 2007 Human Factors and Ergonomics Society (HFES) Oliver Keith Hansen Outreach Award
- 2006 Andrew and Erna Viterbi School of Engineering, USC Service Award
- 2006 Distinguished Engineering Educator Award
- 2006 Daniel J. Epstein Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering, University of Southern California Outstanding Teacher of the Year Award
- 2003 Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering, University of Southern California Outstanding Teacher of the Year Award
- 2003 NASA Faculty Fellow
- 2001 AT&T Faculty Fellow in Industrial Ecology Award
- 2000 International Ergonomics Association (IEA) IEA Ergonomics of Technology Transfer Award
- 2000 Viterbi School of Engineering, University of Southern California TRW Award for Excellence and Outstanding Achievement in Teaching
- 1999 National Academy of Engineering of Armenai Foreign Member
- 1998 National Research Council Member of the Advisory Panel
- 1997 International Ergonomics Association Award
- 1997 Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Southern California Outstanding Teacher of the Year Award
- 1996 Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering, University of Southern California Excellence in Teaching and Dedication to Students Award
- 1996 Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Fellow
- 1990 Workplace Health Fund Senior Research Fello
- 1989 National Science Foundation Presidential Young Investigator Award
- 1988 American Society for Training and Development International Research Award
- 1985 Government of Indonesia Cooperation and Appreciation Award
- 1983 Phi Beta Kappa Alumni Award
- 1976 National University of Iran, School of Economics and Political Sciences Valedictorian
- - Omega Rho, Operations Research Honor Society
- - Sigma Xi, The Scientific Research Honor Society
- - Alpha Pi Mu, Industrial Engineering Honor Society
- Director, Director, USC Viterbi Grand Challenge Scholars Program
- Sonny Astani Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
- Daniel J Epstein Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering
- International Relations
- KAP 240
- Kaprielian Hall
- 3620 South Vermont Ave., Los Angeles, CA 90089
- USC Mail Code: 2531
- (213) 740-8765
- meshkati@usc.edu