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George Papavassilopoulos

Professor of Industrial and Systems Engineering and Electrical and Computer Engineering Practice



    George P. Papavassilopoulos graduated from the Varvakeion High School of Athens and received the Diploma in Mechanical and Electrical Engineering from the National Technical University of Athens in 1975 and the MSc and PhD degrees in Electrical Engineering from the University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign in 1977 and 1979 respectively. In 1979 he joined the Dept. of Electrical Engineering-Systems of the University of Southern California as an Assistant Professor and was later promoted to Associate and Full Professor with tenure. In 2000 he joined the Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering of the National Technical University of Athens as Full Professor where he was also the director of the Control and Decision Laboratory. In January 2020 he joined USC as Adjunct Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering Practice.

    Research Summary

    His basic areas of interest are Controls, Optimization, and Dynamic Games. A considerable part of his research is in the area of Dynamic Stochastic Games. He has also conducted research in Decentralized Adaptive Control, Robotics, Optimization Algorithms, Target Interception, Jamming, Stochastic Learning Automata, Linear Complementarity Problems and Bilinear Matrix Inequalities for Robust Control, Computational Complexity, Markovian Learning, Parallel Algorithms for Nonconvex Problems, Genetic Algorithms, and Nonlinear Filtering. He is also interested in applications to Biomedical Engineering, Economics, Organizational Structures, Energy and Telecommunication Policy, Computer and Network Security, and Environmental Problems. His research has been supported by NSF, AFOSR, Greek and EU grants.

    • Daniel J Epstein Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering
    • Daniel J Epstein Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering
    • EEB 114
    • Hughes Aircraft Electrical Engineering Center
    • 3740 McClintock Ave., Los Angeles, CA 90089
    Contact Information
    • (213) 740-0468