Virtual Panel: Meet Our Alumni Series 2020
USC Viterbi Graduate Programs are hosting a virtual panel series - Meet Our Alumni with current students and alumni from various departments who will share their Viterbi experience. The attendees submit their questions - which can be about coursework, internship experiences, careers, applications or their field of study.
Who Should Attend?
This Panel is meant for prospective students looking into applying to the USC Viterbi School of Engineering for graduate programs in Electrical and Computer Engineering
What Will the Panel Discuss?
Alumni from the Department will talk about their experiences at USC Viterbi. We invite questions from the audience and alumni will respond to those questions.
Meet Our Panelists
Online Registration
In order to confirm your attendance, kindly fill out the WebEx registration form for the department of your interest.
Contact us at in case of any questions.
Note: In case your program of interest does not fall within ECE, Computer Science or Engineering Mangement - please attend the ALL Grad Programs event.