Posted: October 8, 2016, 12:10pm
There are few things more diametrically opposite to each other than a Tae Kwon Do (TKD) practice followed by a feast consisting entirely of pizza. But a balanced life is what most people who walk through the doors of PED 201 are looking for, and if it comes in the form of a round-cheese-covered-fire-oven-baked piece of bread, then so be it! USC TKD is a student run club, and has been a consistent home for me during my time at USC. Familiar faces return at the beginning of each semester and welcome eager newcomers with open arms (and some roundhouse kicks!). Admittedly, after about the third or fourth week of the semester some of those newcomers find that TKD is not on their personal path to a balanced life at USC. Nevertheless, a few of the new faces soon find themselves feeling the burning desire after a long day of lectures to go back to practice, no matter how sore, tired, under-rested, and overwhelmed they feel. One of our coaches, Master Spyro, told us once that it is precisely in these moments of adversity during which we need an outlet like Tae Kwon Do most. So it isn’t a surprise that many of the USC TKD team can be found kicking up a storm and sweating it out during exam week. We practice every Monday and Wednesday (6-8pm) and Friday (4-6pm) in PED 201, and our doors are always open for anyone who wants to Fight ON!