Posted: May 9,2016, 2:51pm
For my third and last rotation as a 1st year BME student, I chose to work for Dr. Ellis Meng in her Biomedical Microsystems Laboratory. Dr. Meng, who is the Chair of the Biomedical Engineering Department at USC, is a leader in the microfluidic and sensor technology fields. Because her laboratory develops many different types of electrical, mechanical, and chemical sensing elements, I wanted to spend time learning more about electrical engineering and integrating sensors into biomedical devices. Therefore, for the last twelve weeks, I shadowed her PhD student, Lawrence Yu, and became familiar with his external ventricular drain platform and the sensor fabrication process.
As you can see above, I also helped him make some electrical connectors while perfecting my soldering skills. Because the last time I had soldered was over six years ago (sophomore year of high school!) and the electronics this time around were much, MUCH smaller, I basically had to learn from scratch. However, I slowly got the hang of it my third time around. Although the rotation officially ended last week, I will still stop by the Meng lab every now and then to help them make these pieces!
Published on July 27th, 2017Last updated on August 10th, 2017