Posted: February 27, 2017, 4:46pm
On Wednesday night, I made a last-minute decision to visit one of my best friends in Salt Lake City, Utah! Stephanie, who is in the Technical Development Program at Edwards Lifesciences, is currently on her second rotation as a manufacturing engineer at the Draper location. I had wanted to visit her for a while now, but it has been difficult to find a good weekend since VGSA senate meetings take place on Sunday. Luckily, the meeting was canceled this past weekend, so I immediately bought tickets to see Steph! I got in late on Friday, but we still woke up bright and early on Saturday to hit the slopes. I’ve skied many of the resorts around Salt Lake City, but this was my first time on the Canyon Village side of Park City. It snowed the night before, so there was plenty of powder on the trails! I mostly stuck to blues since this was my first time skiing this season, but I’m excited to push myself more in my upcoming trip to Aspen.
That same day, we drove ~3.5 hours to Bryce Canyon National Park in southern Utah to meet with some of Steph’s friends. We spent the night right on the edge of the park, and headed in Sunday morning to hike the area right below Bryce Point. Although the entire trail, including Peek-a-Boo Loop, was only 5 miles, the elevation changes were drastic and it was very challenging, especially with the heavy layer of snow. I’m really glad I bought hiking boots right before this trip. They made a huge difference and I barely lost my footing or slipped during the entire trek. I didn’t even get any blisters and this was my first time wearing them for an extended hike! Because I didn’t have to worry about my footing, I spent more time enjoying the stunning views and the natural “hoodoo” rock formations lining the entire path. I couldn’t have asked for a better trip. I’m glad we were able to pack so much in. Steph’s next rotation is in Switzerland – hopefully I’ll get to visit her there too!