Posted: October 5, 2016, 11:08am
The first thing I noticed when I entered the US was that you have a Starbucks in every corner and nook. It serves ofcourse one of the best things that has happened to mankind- “COFFEE”! The name itself gives me an adreanline rush, whether it be cold or hot, the smell and taste of caffeine always tends to please my senses. Java frappuccino has always been my absolute favorite apart from my go-to hot cappuccino. Lately, I’ve just been thinking of every excuse in the world to grab a Frappuccino (some even included me thinking that the universe is sending signs).
So to combat this addiction towards it and well really reduce the intensity of love (Yes, I said love!) I’ve decided to substitute it with something else. So here are a few that have worked for me:
- Lemonade: Grab a lemonade or iced tea in starbucks itself, else you could also walk over to lemonade in campus and grab an awesome flavored one there. This gives you a refereshing punch and is also healthier when compared to constant coffee intake.
- Tea: This I miss from back in India, at home we had masala chai and it was absolutely yum. You could switch to Green Tea if you are looking for healthier options and looking to loose weight. It is a rich source of antioxidants which give a boost to your immunity system.
- Coconut water: Amazing, cool, natural is what comes to mind when you think of coconut water. It reduces the heat in your system and also helps clear up your skin. Well, I could list 10,000 things about this if I start so you see where I’m going.
- Grab breakfast or a healthy smoothie in the morning for the energy boost rather than your cup of coffee. You will see that it works wonders but maybe buying a cup of coffee 2-3 times in a week is something you can indulge in!