Time for Game of Thrones!

July 27, 2017

Posted: May 9, 2016, 6:26pm

Second only to USC football season, this may be one of my favorite times of the year. Now that school is over and I’m done with coursework until late August, I can re-delegate my brainpower to remember all of the characters and storylines of Game of Thrones. Although only three episodes have been released so far, this season has already blown my mind because this is the first time I am learning new twists about the overall ‘A Song of Ice and Fire’ story. Because I’ve read all of the books, I knew most of the big, shocking moments that were coming up while watching the show. Now that the TV series has passed the books, everything is new and fresh!

For the first two episodes, I hosted viewing parties for my friends that also watch GoT, and it has been so fun. I can probably talk about fan theories for hours and I love having debates with others who are also caught up. Since everybody is done with work now, hopefully more people will be free to come over. The more the merrier!!

Published on July 27th, 2017Last updated on August 10th, 2017