Dinner with the Deans 2016

July 27, 2017

Posted: March 17, 2016, 12:30am

Last week, the VGSA council had the amazing opportunity to eat dinner with some of the most important administrators and leaders of the Viterbi School of Engineering – the deans! Over a meal at Moreton Fig, the restaurant and lounge next to the campus center, all of the senators and executive board members discussed graduate student concerns with Dean Yannis Yortsos, Executive Vice Dean John O’Brien, Associate Dean Kelly Goulis, Student Affairs Director Binh Tran, and Assistant Student Programming Director Meredith Mitnick. Because the senators had sent out a survey to all students the week before, we knew exactly which issues to bring up and share with the deans.

Tackling ways to improve everything from the career fair to advising to study spaces, we generated solutions to many of the complaints that we collected. In all, we were able to bridge the gap between the students and the administration. Hopefully, we will see some changes in the coming months and for the next school year. It was wonderful seeing everyone all dressed up. I’m so happy to be a part of this amazing group of senators. The graduate engineering student population has the best representatives in the school!


Published on July 27th, 2017Last updated on August 10th, 2017